Some of you may already have Monday accounts and are familiar with the tool. For those of you who don’t. The first step will be to click on the three links below and request an invite to each board. You should then receive emails from inviting you to these boards. When you accept, you’ll get access to the Creative Services Workspace and from here you’ll be able to raise your first task.

All tasks should originate from the Staging Board and under your dept group. Only when the brief is ready for production should you change the status column to Briefed in’. This will automatically move the task across to the Production Board. You can use the Staging Board to plan and prepare briefs.


Creating a task is easy. Just go to the Staging board and find you dept and click on + Add Then just fill in the columns. Once done you can click on the task name to open the content section to add you detailed brief under the ‘info boxes

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Behind every masterpiece lies a good brief! The contents of the brief should be added to the ‘Info boxes’ section. In this section, there is also an option to add files to support the brief. The scope and detail of this should be enough to ensure that it minimises the number of feedback rounds required. This will help ensure we deliver the majority of tasks to the agreed 5-day service level agreement.

The 5 day SLA benefits both the design team and the stakeholder by providing a transparent understanding of expectations and requirements. For this to happen please take account of the following:

  • The stakeholder has to deliver enough information for the designer to start work with clear direction and without extensive follow-up meetings or feedback rounds.
  • The 5-day SLA does not apply to creative which carries CR7. This creative needs to be approved by Polaris (CR7 media agency) and because of this the SLA should be increased to at least 14 working days.
  • The SLA only applies to the work briefed in at the beginning of the process. If the scope of the project changes during flight or additional deliverables are added. This will compromise the SLA and the Snr Creative Manager will advise how much extra time will be required to complete the task.
  • The design team is expected to pick up the brief promptly and assign it a suitable designer that can deliver the job on time.

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When a task is in production it will be trafficked through a gate system. When the status is changed to ‘QA’ an email will notify the stakeholder to feedback or approve creative. Once approved the stakeholder should change the status to Done. This will automatically move the task to the ‘Done’ group at the bottom of the board where it will be archived at months end.

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To keep a handy PDF of the process we follow please click on the icon.

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